Grandma, sits surrounded by

her grandchildren dressed for trick or

treating. Before they head out foraging from

house to house, Grandma reads her special

Halloween stories. They listened wide-eyed

and spellbound of ghosts and goblins and

witches. Little do the children know, the

stories are about Grandma in her “witchful”


Joan Tenner’s greatest role and joy was that

of grandmother.  Joan delighted in dressing

as the Wicked Witch of the West (of the

Wizard of Oz fame) each Halloween,

wandering through the neighborhood, at

dusk, with her broom and black hat, her

long pointed nose, (with a wart, of course)

and her spot-on cackle to raise the goose

bumps on the trick or treaters before their

nightly forage. 

Enjoy these stories as a new Halloween

tradition for your children or grandchildren.

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